Current Rating - Avg 1.2 Amps , Peak 2.5 Amps
Connector - Wires
Size - 22 x 15 x 3.5 (mm)
Functions - 10 (800Amps Total Max) + 2 Logic Functions
RailCom - Yes
Asymmetric DCC - Yes
BEMF - Yes
KeepAlive/Standby (Available) - Yes
Available with the following connections..
8pin NEM652 on Wires (70mm Long Wires)
Plux16 Diret
Plux22 Direct
Wires Only (120mm long) Special Order Only.
This decoder has additional wiring and voltage regulation built in so that 16v Capacitors and Keepalives can be used.
For wires only we suggest using the 8pin version and simply cutting the plug off.
Manufacturer : Zimo
SKU : MX633-Series
SKU : MX633-Series