Intelligent, DCC, Solid State Circuit Breakers with Integrated Block Detection and Feed Back
The Power Shield X series is a product of years of research into problems dealing with false overload that cause premature shut down of DCC Boosters and other Circuit Breakers. These false overloads are caused by large capacitors used in sound systems decoders or lighted passenger cars. The overload appears as a short circuit until the capacitors are charged. The logic on the new Power Shield X Series determines if the load is a true short or just an overload due to discharged capacitor.
Versions Available:
PSX-1 One Output, PSX-2 Two Outputs, PSX-3 Three Outputs, PSX-4 Four Outputs:
All Solid State Operation: Fast, solid state design with reliable quiet action….no clicks or sparks.
Adaptive Load Reset: Electronically determines if the overlo Electronically determines if the overload is a real short or due to excess capacitance in sound decoders or lighted passenger cars.
Boost for Low Power Systems: Some low power DCC Systems boosters need a boost when resetting.
Adding this jumper helps reset low power output systems.
Auto Stop with CV Reset: A photocell input can detect a train in the reverse section and turn off power. A DCC command can then restore the power.
PSX Screw Terminal Set
PSX Sonalert